
            Ethical Guidelines

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            Ethical Guidelines


            Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the manuscript have been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to the submission of the manuscript to this journal.

            Ethic approval

            The research findings on petroleum engineering should be published in Petroleum Drilling Techniques ( referred to as PDT ) , then examined and got approved by professionals from the side of moral aspect. If the research methods and findings would be not approved by editor, the article could be prohibited to be published. Moral demands, plagiarism/duplicate publication/misconduct rules of judgment, other demands could be found in the Guide for Authors of the Journal of PDT (http://www.syzt.com.cn/corp/30.aspx).

            Conflict of interest and source of funding

            This journal requires that all sources of institutional, private and corporate financial support for the work within the manuscript must be fully acknowledged, and any potential conflicts of interest noted. Grant or contribution numbers may be acknowledged, and principal grant holders should be listed. Please include this information under Acknowledgements.

            Appeal of decision

            The decision on a paper is final and cannot be appealed.


            If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from the Journal of PDT .

            Copyright assignment

            Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work and its essential substance have not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to the Journal of PDT if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.

            Journal Publication Policies and Procedures

            Each author is responsible for fully understanding all requirements listed below, must submit all manuscripts on our website(http://www.syzt.com.cn), please according to the Guide for Authors.

            A. Authorship and Contributorship

            The Journal of PDT defines an “author” as a person whose participation in the work is sufficient for taking public responsibility for all portions of the content. Specifically, all authors should have made substantial contributions to all of the following:

            (1) conception and design of the study, acquisition of the data, or analysis and interpretation of the data;

            (2) drafting of the article or critical revision of the article for important intellectual content;

            (3) final approval of the version to be submitted.

            When authorship is attributed to a group, all authors must meet the listed criteria and must be responsible for the quality, accuracy, and ethics of the work. All authors must participate in determining the order of authorship.

            B. Ethics

            For submission to the Journal of PDT, core content should be original or authorized by the published references or others’ research achievements, please indicate its provenance according to the relevant rules from "Law of Copyright". Otherwise, the resulting legal liability will be the author’s sole responsibility.

            C. Duplicate and "Salami" Publication

            Submissions will be considered for publication in the Journal of PDT only if they are submitted solely to the Journal of PDT and do not overlap substantially with a published article. Any manuscript that has similar or near similar hypothesis, sample characteristics, methodology, results, and conclusions to a published article is a duplicate article and is prohibited. The Journal of PDT also prohibits so-called “salami” publishing that involves slicing of data collected from a single research process or during a single study period, into different pieces, that form the basis of individual manuscripts published in different journals or the same journal. If any material related to the submission (other than a brief abstract or meeting abstract) has been published in any medium, is in preparation, or has been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, authors must provide copies of all such manuscripts and other materials, as well as outline the relationship of all materials to one another to avoid any possibility of duplicate publication.

            D. Author Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

            Each author must disclose all potential conflicts of interest by completing the Journal of PDT Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form. A conflict of interest (COI) is a financial relationship or other set of circumstances that may affect or may reasonably be thought by others to affect an author’s judgment, conduct, or manuscript. A COI exists based on the author’s circumstances; the author’s behavior, subjective beliefs, and outcomes are irrelevant. In other words, the author must disclose a COI even when the circumstances have not actually influenced the author’s actions or manuscript, and even when the author believes that the circumstances cannot or will not affect the actions or manuscript. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the Journal of PDT will determine the part(s) of an author’s disclosure that will be published with the manuscript.

            E. Copyright

            Acceptance of a copyright agreement will ensure the widest possible dissemination of an article. Upon acceptance of their article, the authors will be asked to sign the Journal Publishing Agreement (for more information on publishing and copyrights, see the Transfer of Copyright form). Papers are accepted on the understanding that no substantial part has been or will be published elsewhere, in whole or part, and that after papers have been accepted, they remain the copyright of the Journal of PDT . If papers closely related to the submitted manuscript have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, the author must state this in the cover letter.

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